This is our foster greyhound, Mikey. I have never seen a happier dog. He likes to run and eat and chase and sleep and play and... his tail is like a flagella, constantly twirling around.
Greys do not come off the track with "house" knowledge. They don't know what stairs are, they don't know what GLASS means (I can run straight outside whenever I WANT? Sweet deal!). Despite this, it took only a day for Mikey here to settle into a home environment. But unlike his other greyhound companion here- our dog Taffy- he does not understand "No!". He does not "do" tricks. Trust me, when you have coaxed a dog's paw into the air over a dozen times with a treat reward, that's a sign you have a do-do dog. A "silly" dog, to put it nicely.
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