Friday, May 24, 2013

Hide and Seek With No Point Whatsoever

Have you ever hidden how you truly feel, because you feel that you won't be accepted for who you are or what you think? Did you ever feel out of place and alone in a crowd of friends? Have you ever done something that doesn't seem like "you", and yet you continue to betray yourself by doing it?

Picture this. You meet other people like you, because you act like who you really are and so do they. You go where you want to, not where you feel forced to go due to social convention. You do the things that make you proud, make you the best person you can be.

Why do we betray ourselves, leading such secret and unhappy lives? To "fit in"? To impress people whose opinions we don't even care about? What's the point?

All of us walk around pretending that nothing effects us, and that's more deception. We are invincible, nothing matters. We move on because we have to, because all we know how to do is choke down our sorrows and pretend that will make things better. That won't scare people away, we think (those people who are just as scared and alone as we are, on the inside). Then we step onto the mine field of our lives and pray that we don't make one bad move that will blow it all to pieces. That's not "living", that's just surviving. Barely.

Don't you want to live your life, instead of this perfect hologram you've projected? Wouldn't it feel good to breath and be real?