Sunday, August 7, 2011

Review of "Tangled"

Disney movies are my kryptonite. After watching one, the dark poses no threat that cannot be overcome with fairytale kisses. A new Netflix account supplied my daily dose of it last night.

Rupunzel, repunzel, let down your long hair! You all know the gist of the old bedtime story. A baby is traded away to an old witch. The little girl is raised by the witch, who locks her in a tower until the prince comes along to sweep her away. Eventually, given challenges, he does. They live happily ever after.

Ever want to see that come to life? So did Disney. They finally swept this forgotten princess out of the tower and onto the movie screens!

The plot has changed a tiny bit from some original variations. Baby Repunzel was stolen from her parents, a King and Queen, by a witch. The witch raises her as her own, and will probably come off as a drama queen herself right off the bat. She's that villian that everybody will love to hate.

When the "prince" comes along (really a rogue runaway), he's just hiding in the tower, and when Repunzel finds him? Isn't exactly love at first sight. This was a delightful twist to the old story, and you grow to love a certain cooking utensil more and more.

Besides changing original characters, enter a Chameleon sidekick for the stolen princess and a hunting horse out for justice. The cuteness and comedy factors rise given their inhuman help.

Like every Disney movie, there needed to be music added in, for there to be a soundtrack to sell and a magical tale to be sung by little girls for years to come. There are a good amount of songs in this one, evenly spaced out as the pages turn. If that's not your thing, this might cut some points off of that perfect movie score in your brain. Musical interference? Foul.

Classic Disney songs. Fun, sometimes with some humor thrown in. Emotional- they always tell a story, so listen up closely.

One thing that I really loved about this movie is the animation, which has come so far from what it once was. The little details, like millions of little blades of grass blowing in the wind give a real "live" feel. There is a scene in which one of the characters falls against some furniture- it clangs around the moves in a very realistic way. May seem a minute detail, but all those little details add up.

When you pick this movie up, order it, TEVO it, the rating may pop out at you. PG- For what?

There is a little violence in this movie. A tiny bit of blood is shown (cartoon blood), and I guess this could disturb a sensitive three year old, though it's really not anything to frown upon. Get past that and the kiddies are good to go.

Fun for the whole family, this movie gets a 10/10 and a big thumbs up from me. If you like any of the recent Disney (or Pixar) movies, you'll probably want to add, "Tangled" to your DVD collection.


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